Objectivism in China
by JJ Tuan
Objectivism is a philosophy unheard of in China. In fact, a cursory online search of Objectivism yields some hits in Japanese, but none in Chinese. Yet as the most populous country in the world, China presents a unique opportunity as an untapped market for promoting Objectivism. What are its characteristics that woul... (Read more...)
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Principles of Activism 3: Head in the right direction
by Joseph Rowlands
I've been asked many times over the years how I expect to get from where we are now to where we want to be. How do I expect to create an Objectivist world? I think they were expecting me to pull out a notebook with a timeline, some graphs, and a list of milestones, and titled "The Master Plan". Maybe they don't expe... (Read more...)
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Learning Lessons from BB&T
by Luke Setzer
Just as a rational individual needs the ruling Objectivist values to survive alone on an island to accomplish his life-affirming goals, so he needs them in a free society to achieve such goals. Furthermore, organizations of free people in a free society also need to arrange themselves in accordance with these three supreme structural values to accomplish their common life-affirming goals. One organizational role model stands as an exemplary embodiment of these values: the Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB&T). (Read more...)
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Learning Lessons from Meetup
by Luke Setzer
The challenging undertaking of creating, sustaining and growing a global Objectivist club network demands the use of best practices gleaned from a wide range of sources. Meetup® has risen as the most outstanding recent upstart in the discipline of rapid growth of live, networked clubs. Only when it sprang sudden, unexpected, unaffordable monthly costs onto its members did it experience an overnight loss of support. While it remains in business, its popularity as a widespread tool for organizations has largely evaporated. A careful study of its merits and drawbacks offers valuable lessons for the Webmaster who wants to build a dedicated Internet site for a global Objectivist club network. (Read more...)
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Saturday December 17, 2005 |
Objectivist Clubs and the Four Basic Human Needs
by Luke Setzer
As the designated Club Coordinator for the Rebirth of Reason™, I find myself tasked with the monumental charge of creating a global network of Objectivist clubs. Such a monumental charge demands a monumental article. Although I am not religious, I certainly accept as a timeless truth the verse from the Book of Proverbs that informs us, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." This article explores the core working premises one should use from which to arrive at a vision for a global Objectivist club network, an organization "as it might be and ought to be." (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 14, 2005 |
Principles of Activism 1: Capital Accumulation
by Joseph Rowlands
This is the first part in a series of articles exploring the topic of activism, in an attempt to identify some basic principles to help guide our decision making process. (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 7, 2005 |
Capitalism Vs. Gender Inequality?
by Ricky Egeland
This letter is in response to a letter to the editor of the MN Daily titled "System of Oppression" which claims "sexism is essential to Capitalism". I provide the unedited version here, but you can also read the edited version at the MN Daily web site. (Read more...)
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The Problem of Benevolence
by Joseph Rowlands
It's one of the big mysteries in life why Objectivist forums contain so much hostility and lack of benevolence. (Read more...)
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The Artistic Battleground
by Dean Michael Gores
Art makes abstract ideas concrete, in whatever form the artist chooses. I have gathered a collection of art, showing examples of both harmful and life affirming art. I discuss the details of their constituents, and infer what ideas they are an abstraction of. (Read more...)
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Persuasion II
by Ciro D'Agostino
The persuasion of others is used sometimes to achieve self-assurance. (Read more...)
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by Ciro D'Agostino
What are the reasons for such desire? (Read more...)
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Primacy of Consciousness Redux: A Review of Overman's A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization
by Roger E. Bissell
Dean Overman is the author of yet another attempt to argue that, without some ruling consciousness, there is no logic, no morality, no life, no universe, nothing at all. The antidote? A healthy dose of the metaphysics and logic based on the Primacy of Existence. (Read more...)
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Thursday November 10, 2005 |
 They Worship Death
by Marcus Bachler
The sad fact is that fundamentalist religious zealots such as Osama bin Laden, while claiming to practice a religion of peace, will not rest until every last country in the world is an Ayatollah-run dictatorship composed of veiled submissive women, violent bearded men and dead infidels. However, the battle to preserve our “love of life” in the West can and must be won, as it was against Communism and Fascism, by not giving an inch to the anti-life ideology that is shrouded by the terrorists’ political demands. (Read more...)
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Fighting the Crab Bucket Mentality
by Matthew Graybosch
If the United States is plagued by the Crab Bucket Mentality, you can be damned sure that syndicated advice columnists are doing nothing to help. You can be just as sure that I am going to call them to account for their irresponsible advice. (Read more...)
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Ask The Question
by Duncan Bayne
How often do you start to discuss an issue with someone, and find yourself going around in circles, with the debate degenerating into an argument, and then into a fight, finally ending without anyone having learned anything? There’s an easy fix for this problem. As soon as you’ve identified the issue at hand and determined the other person’s position, ask The Question. (Read more...)
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Excuse Me For Being A Hypocrite
by William Anthony Bardel
Why are so many men of the mind wasting their time? Why are so many people settling for what the world is? Why do so many people say that we won’t see Atlantis in our lifetime?! (Read more...)
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Daily Linz 3 - Slime on SOLO
by Lindsay Perigo
We see pusballs gatecrashing on SOLOHQ. Their stock-in-trade is ambiguity, uncertainty, “well yes, but ...,” “not necessarily”—verbal clutter and entropy. They slither around in what Ayn Rand would call the “hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all.” Under the guise of “critical thinking,” they commit to nothing, and try to cast doubt on everything. (Read more...)
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What is Liberalism?
by Luke J. Morris
Hint: It's not what Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore say it is. (Read more...)
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Thursday September 29, 2005 |
Dewey's Pragmatism and the Decline of Education
by Edward W. Younkins
Dewey and other members of the Progressive movement wanted a predictable method for providing a common culture and of instilling Americans with democratic values. As a result, by the end of the nineteenth century, a centrally controlled, monopolistic, comprehensive, and bureaucratic public education system was deemed to be essential for America’s future. (Read more...)
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Tuesday September 27, 2005 |
What We're Up Against: Critique of a Contemporary College Text
by Ed Thompson
This essay serves the specific purpose of arming reasoners against the onslaught of contemporary academia. It highlights major positions taken by academia, and it offers major rebuttals to such positions. In a war for men's minds, one must come to battle with the proper armor. This essay provides it. (Read more...)
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Tuesday September 13, 2005 |
Protecting Our Property Protects Our Lives
by Peter Cresswell
New Zealanders who once themselves understood the crucial importance of property rights now seem bemused by their absence, until perhaps they themselves find they can’t build on their own property, can’t cut down their own trees, can’t use their property in ways they always have, or find that control of their property has been passed to someone else ... and that someone carries a clipboard and must be called ‘Sir’ ... and we must pay that person for the privilege of asking them permission to do what we want to on our own land. It’s not right. (Read more...)
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What We Said About Islamo-Fascist Filth
by Lindsay Perigo
On the fourth anniversary of the strike by those who avowedly love death the way Westerners love life, we reprise reactions posted on SOLOHQ ... (Read more...)
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Saturday September 10, 2005 |
The Big Apple Versus the Big Easy: A Tale of Two Cities
by Michael E. Marotta
The difference between New York City after 9/11 and New Orleans after Katrina is an undeniable contrast between a city that rose to the sky, because its people could not be held to the ground, and a city that wallowed in a swamp, as long as the red beans and rice were as cheap as music and bourbon. (Read more...)
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Thursday September 8, 2005 |
Why Vote Libertarianz?
by Andrew Bates
I gave this speech at the Gay Aucklanders' Business Association (aka Fruits in Suits) Election Special meeting last night. (I have taken a break from writing up my U.S. road tour to campaign for the Libertarianz until September 17th). If you want your freedom defended, you need a party committed to the principle that you own your life and should be free to live it as you see fit. You need now to shun the voices of compromise and vote for the party prepared to work patiently to change the culture.You need to vote your conscience. You need to vote, and, of course, join, the Libertarianz. (Read more...)
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Legal Snouts
by Peter Cresswell
A polite letter to the New Zealand Law Society explaining why lawyers are held in such high esteem. (Read more...)
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